A traditional and genuine approach to Yoga


Immerse yourself in an invigorating yoga experience that offers an integrated approach to healthy living, balanced diet, and spiritual studies. This is an immersion course that goes beyond the physical aspects of yoga. It captures the true essence of Traditional Yoga to provide an authentic and genuine yoga experience. As a student, you will discover how to integrate traditional yoga techniques, concepts, and Sanskrit (chanting) and apply them to your daily life.


The Teachers Training Course (TTC) program designed by Wise Living Yoga Academyis accredited by the International Board of Yoga (*), and intend to provide strong foundation on Classical Yoga Philosophy (Patañjali Ashtanga Yoga), Lifestyle Principles (Yogachara) and Yoga Techniques (Hatha cum Raja Yoga). It will endow the Yoga Aspirants (Sadhakas) and Teacher Trainees with guiding principles for his own Personal Development & Habituation to Spiritual Consciousness and also the Didactics & Methodology for imparting Yoga Wisdom & Training to individuals of all ages and provide basic advice for the management of common ailments(**).


Our 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course is conducted several times a year at Doi Saket Yoga Center in Thailand and also some seasonal courses in Brazil and Bali, Indonesia. All the courses follow the same structure & general time table, which can be seen bellow when clicking on the button of 200 hours course. The number of participants is limited in each batch for a better learning experience and so that personal attention is given to each student. Please register in advance to secure your place.


Participants who complete the course successfully will receive an internationally recognized Yoga Certificate from Wise Living Yoga Academy and become eligible to get registered as Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200 hour level) with Yoga Alliance USA or with the Yoga Associations of their respective countries.


We also conduct Advanced 300 & 500 hours Teacher Training Courses at Doi Saket Yoga Center. Old students (who have already completed a 200 hours course) can apply for the 300 hours program happening 3 times a year. Anyone can apply for the 500 hours Teacher Training by attending first the 200 hours and then completing the next 300 hours in the subsequent weeks as per our calendar of courses.


The Karma Yoga is a program directed to students who have completed the 200 hours course and aim to come back in order to do volunteer work while helping with the courses and enjoying the environment.


Seasonally we also offer workshops in Thailand, India, Brazil and Bali. Apart from that, we love to share content on subjects we belief and support as veganism, compassionate living, sutras and so on, click on learn more to access this content.


Please click on the button bellow in order to read the course structure, general overview of Syllabus and the timetable of each course.

Bellow there’s information on how do we envision our Yoga Teacher Training Course.


Contact us for more information on workshops, long term programs which involves training on the therapeutic aspects of Yoga and are based on self-study & experiencing life in an Ashram environment in the spirit of Karma Yoga.


(*) IBY is a research and regulatory body associated to The Yoga Institute of Santacruz;

(**) Please note that the TTC 200 hour Yoga Program offers the basic foundation for Yoga Therapy, and the Do(s) and Don’t (s) of all techniques are carefully examined in light of different health conditions. Also Lifestyle Management principles and Yoga Techniques are presented for the prevention of major human ailments caused by disorders of the hectic and stressful modern lifestyle. However the graduated participant is NOT allowed to call oneself a Yoga Therapist.

Four week residential teacher training course in traditional yoga.

Six week advanced teacher training course in traditional yoga.

Advanced residential teacher training course focusing on techniques of yoga therapy.

Open for returning students who wish to deepen their practice through selfless work.

Check out our past and upcoming events and yoga workshops held worldwide.

Read more about vegan lifestyle, sustainability and compassionate living.

Discover the difference


Yoga is more than physical exercise; it’s a spiritual experience that embodies the true essence of health, vitality and spirituality. This is why our Yoga Training program goes way beyond mainstream Yoga programs and techniques. We educate you on the philosophical and historical aspects of traditional yoga which offers a full integration of mind, body and other aspects of human personality leading to the habituation to a more spiritual consciousness.


Wise Living Yoga Academy teaches Yoga in the tradition of the world’s oldest organized Yoga Institute in India, which has been conducting Yoga programs and certification courses for over 5 decades. Our methodology of teaching Yoga is based on Attitude Training & Experiential Learning. This allows you and other students in the Yoga Training Thailand course to incorporate ‘Bhavas’ (feeling/attitude) oriented techniques, and conceptual activities in your daily life. With this Yoga philosophy and practices, you will attain a lasting impression on the conscious and subconscious mind.


Our Yoga Training Thailand Course is an opportunity to experience Yoga in its traditional way. By combining the right feelings or attitudes (bhavas) with selected physical activities (asanas) you have the innate ability to enrich your consciousness while engaging in a very satisfying and elevating Yoga practice.


Yoga Teacher Training Thailand – What can you expect in your course?


We offer a detailed Yoga Training Thailand course that explores all aspects of Yoga. As a result you will have a deeper understanding of Yoga, a better comprehension of the meaning of life itself and will enhance your spiritual consciousness.


Upon successful completion of this Yoga Training Thailand course, you will receive an internationally accepted certificate, which allows you to teach Yoga in any part of the world. However, we encourage you to participate in the program not only for the certification, but for the many lifestyle benefits Yoga provides.


Share your new found knowledge of Traditional Yoga with others


As a future Yoga Educator, you have the unique opportunity to learn the philosophy and history of Traditional Yoga in detail. The Yoga Course is a comprehensive, challenging, yet rewarding course. Many of our students benefit from our immersion programs and often return to enhance their knowledge and deepen their understanding of Traditional Yoga.


As a student of Wise Living Yoga Academy, you will learn to teach and share your knowledge of spirituality and Yoga in a holistic way.  Here, you become more than a yoga instructor; you become a Yoga Educator with vast knowledge of the true meaning and principles of Traditional Yoga. With your knowledge as a Yoga Educator, you will be able to share yoga concepts and principles that improve the quality of life on all levels; physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually.


Expand your horizons and open your mind to an intelligent way of life


While you will learn the basic fundamentals of Traditional Yoga, your Yoga Teacher Training Thailand experience will provide you with the opportunity to go beyond mantras, postures and techniques.  You will also learn the following:


  • The philosophical studies and application of practical discipline/techniques that leads to a better understanding of life and habitation to spiritual consciousness;
  • Deliver Yoga concepts,  techniques an counselling on a spiritual, emotional and physical, mental level to individual of all ages (children, adults, seniors);
  • How to integrate Yoga into your daily lifestyle regimen.


While you get the education you need to share your knowledge of Yoga with others in your Yoga Training Thailand Course, you will experience personal benefits that improve your quality of life. Many of our students experience the following after their Yoga Training Thailand Course completion and you can too:


  • Improved personal and professional relationships;
  • Deepen your journey of spiritual growth and personal development;
  • Reduced stress levels;
  • Have more energy, vitality and disposition;
  • Have more self-confidence in your daily life;
  • Enjoy a healthy well-balanced diet that nourishes the mind, body and spirit.