Welcome Graduates & Returning Students!

This is a page dedicated to you. Learn about our 300hr programs and how you can receive a scholarship!

Advance your studies, or return to WLYA as a Karma Yoga Student.

Read below about our ambassador program and how you can earn awards and incentives for referring your friends, family & students to Wise Living Yoga Academy.

June 23rd – August 2nd 300hr Advanced Studies

Normal Price is $1900 Apply for a Scholarship Below

October 20th – December 20th 500hr Yoga & Vedanta Course

Normal Price is $4500 Apply For A Scholarship Below

Apply for a scholarship Below

Full tuition is 4,500 usd apply for a scholarship to help pay for your advanced studies.

3 10% scholarship will be given tuition fees: 4,050 usd

2 20% scholarships will be given tuition fees: 3,600 usd

1 30% scholarship will be given tuition fees: 3,150 usd

1 50% scholarship will be given tuition fees: 2,250 usd

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